If you are a cheese lover, there’s nothing that you are going to miss out on while on the Keto Diet. Also known as the ketogenic diet, this is based on high-fat and low carbs consumption.
The idea behind this certain diet plan is to change the dynamics of your body and promote weight loss. According to registered dietitian nutritionist Olivia Wagner, the ketogenic diet targets the fat in your body rather than burning carbohydrates.

A Cheesy Affair
Believe it or not but one of the best things about the Keto Diet is that you don’t have to stop yourself from eating cheese.
In fact, you are more likely to be encouraged to eat cheese daily, as it is deemed the perfect keto food since it is high-fat, low carb, and a moderate source of protein. Cheese is also great for adding flavor and texture to your dish.

So with that being said, here are some of the top picks for cheese you can have while on a keto diet.
1. Goat Cheese
Goat cheese is one of the best options for people on the Keto diet because it has 0 carbs and contains good amounts of fat and protein, enabling you to easily fit your macros. 1 ounce of goat cheese comes with 103 calories, 8 grams of fat, 6 grams of protein, and 0 carbs.
2. Blue Cheese
Blue cheese is the second-best cheese option in a Keto diet. Like goat cheese, blue cheese also comes with good amounts of fats and protein. 1 ounce of blue cheese contains 100 calories, 6 grams of protein, 8 grams of fat, and only 0.7 grams of carbs.
Not to mention, blue cheese has an intense flavor profile that is bound to give your meal an upgrade in taste.
3. Cream Cheese
Not only is cream cheese super delicious, but it is also Keto friendly. While it does not come with the same amount of protein, it is rich in fats and is an excellent substitute for hitting your fat macros for the day.

To Sum It Up
There’s nothing like some good ol’ cheese on a big plate of pasta but, if you are currently on a Keto Diet, then you should probably put down the pasta. Not the cheese, though – you can go one enjoying that.