Almost everyone takes the vow of “through sickness and health” at least once in their life. But, very few take it as literally as this Indiana couple.
As the groom readied himself for the ventilator, the couple tied the knot at the Indiana University Health Ball Memorial Hospital in an absolute profession of love.

A Heart-Wrenching Story
According to a video from IU Health Ball, eight years prior, Chuck Johnson had been diagnosed with throat cancer but only recently had started experiencing severe lung infections. Since he was forced to spend a majority of his time at the hospital receiving treatment, his plans to marry his then-fiancee, Jillana Johnson, were put off indefinitely.
However, when the doctors informed Chuck of their decision to put him on a ventilator, he knew there was one job to get done first.
The Story of Chuck and Jillana
The couple had known each other for 39 long years, but, as Jillana reveals, they hadn’t started their relationship until about 2 years ago. She added that they never really dated because one or the other would always be in a relationship, even though they kept in touch. Then almost 2 years ago, they ran into each other at a Walmart – and lo and behold, the rest is history. By that time, Chuck had already spent considerable time dealing with the aftermath of his diagnosis.

In Chuck’s Own Words
Chuck says that about 1.5 years ago, the infections started getting more regular. In layman’s terms, he explains that every human being has a flap at the back of their throat that closes while swallowing.
Since he’s been undergoing radiation as a treatment, his flaps have curled up akin to bacon in a frying pan, rendering them unable to close all the way. Due to this, food would often get stuck in his lungs, which caused the infections.
Through Sickness And Health
The video features Jillana, who thinks of her now-husband as an absolute sweetheart, recalling the moment when Chuck made the ask. She mentions that it was the “most-lovingest” thing he could’ve done at the time. Fearing the worst, Chuck voiced his intention of marrying his fiancee just in case he wouldn’t make it back from the ventilator.

In his battle against cancer and seeing the way his condition was deteriorating, Chuck was aware that one day he wouldn’t return from the hospital. But, since he had made a promise to marry Jillana, there was no way he would abandon her before fulfilling that promise.