How do you like your eggs in the morning– sunny-side up, boiled, poached, or scrambled?
You must have heard the saying that breakfast is the king of all meals, therefore, eggs are a staple breakfast item all over the world thanks to their nutritional benefits.
A simple egg contains all nutrients needed to convert a single lonesome cell into an entire chicken. Plus, they taste great, too!

It’s hard to say where eggs got their bad reputation, mainly because they cause more good than harm (if any) to your body.
For many years, people have been trying to steer clear of egg yolks in fear of increasing their cholesterol. While it is true that egg yolks contain 186mg of the substance, they will not have any adverse effects on your body.
To better understand this, let’s dive into the relationship between your body cholesterol and eggs.
How your body regulates cholesterol
There is an entire debate about how cholesterol is bad for the human body- which is entirely incorrect. In reality, cholesterol plays a significant role in the betterment of your body since it is a vital molecule for the development of cell membranes. On top of that, it is responsible for producing key hormones in the body like cortisol, testosterone, and estrogen.

Due to the important functions it has, your body maintains processes to ensure that it never runs short of the substance.
Therefore, the liver is responsible for producing it when in need. The most amazing part of this is that it is produced according to the needs of your body, therefore, when your diet is high in cholesterol, the body limits the production of cholesterol to ensure that it doesn’t become excessively high.
Health benefits of eggs
As mentioned at the beginning of this article, eggs have a lot of nutritional value which offer a wide range of benefits to your body, such as-
– Reducing the risk of eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration due to antioxidants like zeaxanthin and lutein
– Increasing cell health through high levels of a nutrient called colin
– Increase bone health and muscle mass due to high levels of animal protein
– Helping in weight loss
Still, how much is too much?
Even with all their added benefits, it would be unwise to eat more eggs than is suitable for your body. Unfortunately, no studies have been conducted to determine the number of eggs that should be consumed in a day, and most have gone as high as only three eggs, so there is no saying how your body might react to a higher intake.

On the other hand, PubMed Central disclosed the case study of an 88-year-old man in very good health and normal cholesterol levels who would eat 25 eggs every day. Obviously, your body will most probably not react in the same manner as his, but, it’s an interesting fact to know.
Moreover, it is important to understand that not all eggs are the same since the most commonly found ones come from factory-raised chickens, while the best type of eggs come from pasture-raised hens. These eggs are rich in omega-3, making them extra healthy.
However, despite everything, it is safe to say that given to their health benefits thanks to the nutrients they contain, eggs are some of the healthiest foods on the planet.