If you were dating someone when the outbreak started, then the chances that you’re still with them until now is quite high. Casual dating in the time of COVID-19 is just like musical chairs: Everyone is stuck with what they got. No one is sure about when things will return to normal, and that has people in a state of panic as people are uncertain about their future.
All this is why people who are contained in their homes are texting their partners with “What are we?” texts and are making sure where exactly their relationship stands. Amid all the confusion, we’d like to introduce these two people who have bonded further with their partners and changed the precise nature of their relationship despite the coronavirus pandemic.

Ali & Her Air Force Heartthrob
Ali and her significant other met on a dating website called Hinge. She praised him for being funny and appreciated the fact that he is open to her being independent. According to her, they started going out when things were still normal.
Then, the epidemic began. Sure it shocked both of them, but this didn’t stop the love birds from leveling up their relationship. Although their connection was new, both of them felt like they need to put a label on what they have.
Ali revealed that she made it official with him because of the pandemic. She said that although she can work from home, her boyfriend still has to go out to get to his job as an Air Force National Guard. The 28-year-old has made up her mind about wanting to spend her entire life with this person, so it makes her worry about his health. Thank goodness for FaceTime because they at least get to talk a lot through the app.

Teresa & Her Quarantine Bae
Teresa was dating her now-boyfriend for only two months before things went south with the coronavirus pandemic. She revealed that her boyfriend is cute and really caring. They went for long walks, strolled in the mornings together, and had fancy dinners every now and then before everything closed down.
According to Teresa, it was his habits that made him attractive, so she started falling for him even more. Hoping that this wasn’t the end of the world yet, the 26-year-old made plans with him on how they were going to survive this outbreak. They also agreed that they were now exclusive by deleting dating apps on their phones—so millennial, right!
After discussing for a couple of hours, they settled on staying at her place. They stockpiled on food, bought some men’s clothes at Target, and confined themselves in her home. The couple has learned so much about each other, and have deepened their feelings through this experience. They even said their first I love you’s with one another through this whole ordeal. Teresa has officially found her Quarantine Bae.