The legendary Michael Jordan once said I can accept failure, but I can’t accept not trying. This quote has inspired basketball players all over the world for decades. Not just basketball players, people worldwide have learned a lot from Michael’s sportsman spirit and will power. Among basketball stars who’ve tried to follow in Jordan’s steps is LeBron James.

The Los Angeles Laker star is constantly hitting the headlines for his powerful performance on the court and the work he does for the betterment of society. Following his on-and-off-court pursuits, LeBron has been named 2020s TIME Athlete of the Year. Let’s be a part of the celebrations, shall we?
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First things first – Why LeBron James?
According to basketball industry experts, LeBron, who’s currently preparing for his 18th NBA season, has been awarded this prestigious title because of his tireless activism that includes leading the creation of More Than a Vote, a nonprofit organization. The main aim behind More Than a Vote is to motivate black voters to come forward and take part in the 2020 elections. According to TIME Magazine, the nonprofit organization helped in hiring more than 40,000 election workers.
In addition to supporting More Than a Vote, which was founded after national protests erupted following the death of George Floyd, James was one of the most vocal supporters of the “Black Lives Matter” movement. In 2018 he also built a school named “I Promise School” in his hometown of Akron, Ohio, to give back to his community. He even led the NBA boycotts after news came out about the police shooting another man of color, Jacob Blake, in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

How LeBron James feels about the felicitation
After getting recognized, LeBron took to social media to share his thoughts on receiving the title. Alongside the cover image painted by a 14-year-old artist named Tyler Gordon, he wrote that he felt honored.
While talking with TIME, he spoke about what inspired him to be a part of More Than a Vote. He said that it was important for people to know what his mission is, his passion, and how he’s going to deliver it. He also talked about how, in the black community, he often heard the notion that people wanted to see change. But the problem was that no-one actually wanted to go out and call for action. Thankfully, that is changing now.
Further, during the conversation, he praised the black community for demanding change and seeing it through.

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What’s LeBron doing currently?
Currently, the 18th NBA pre-season games are going on, and like all other Lakers players, LeBron James is also gearing up for the first half that will hopefully begin from 22nd December. While everyone is very excited, let’s hope for an amazing season.