Probably one of the most on-point lines we’ve come across on television is Dr. House’s comment, where he blandly says that sooner or later, all people lie; the only difference is about what! It just can’t get more accurate than that. Period!
Despite what popular medical series depict – doctors sometimes hiding the truth from their patients – a sad fact in real life is that patients also lie to doctors, especially therapists.

Read – How to Find the Best Therapist for You
We’ve all been there (or at least wanted to be there), and a survey points out that reason for the lack of transparency with doctors is most commonly, fear of judgment. No one wants to be accused of negligence, and most of us are too embarrassed to narrate the truth. Basic human nature at its worst!
Wanna know what else that survey reports about people lying to their therapists? Well, do read on.
No one likes too much guidance
Patients lie because they don’t want doctors giving them ethical lectures on adhering to instructions or drugs. They believe they already know what they’re doing wrong, but they can still not comply easily.
People don’t like to be perceived as stupid
Even if they’ve not, patients may claim that they’ve fully understood their doctor’s instructions. They prefer silence over the embarrassment. To look at it from another perspective, the patient may not be able to explain his side of the story entirely, so he prefers to limit his therapist to the critical headlines not to feel idiotic.

The trust issues
A study from the Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) revealed that about 12.3% of patients reported withholding information from their doctors due to concerns about their medical records’ security and confidentiality.
Getting a specific medication
In some psychological cases, a patient may inform his doctor that he’s not sleeping because he has already started taking an addicting hypnotic drug, and it has become difficult for him to get rid of it. This is usually the case with analgesic drugs.
The patient’s economic condition
A patient from an economically challenged background may lie to his therapist for fear that the engagement between them will reach the point where the therapist will say that the patient’s financial level does not allow his treatment.
Read – The Difference between a Therapist and a Psychologist

To sum it up
Lying can be tolerated in ordinary life; lying to your wife about where you were, for instance, but lying to your doctors may be harmful to your health. It may even turn fatal in some cases. So don’t let the reasons mentioned above get the best of you. Stay strong, and be open to your therapist; he’s only there to help you.