We’re sure you must have heard the age-old remedy of treating symptomatic flu with oranges.
Do you know the reasoning behind it?

Benefits of Vitamin C
An average-sized orange can provide 69.7 mg of Vitamin C. It is this Vitamin C concentration that helps boost the body’s immunity to seasonal colds. Scientifically termed as the ascorbic acid, it heals the body’s tissues and aids in the production of enzymes essential for effective neurotransmission. Vitamin C cannot save you from illness but, it can definitely reduce its span.
Listed below are a few food choices that can effectively replace oranges to fulfill your daily Vitamin C requirement. After all, oranges are only seasonal.
1. Chilies
Chilies are a cardinal part of everyone’s grocery list. You may add it often in your meals to spice them up but, did you know that half a cup of green chilies can provide you with 107.8 gms of vitamin C? Additionally, the compound capsaicin present in chilies, which gives them their hot flavor, can help relieve pains in muscles and joints.

2. The sister Bell Peppers
Bell peppers can offer your food a great colorful appearance but, did you know they are a treasure chest of vitamin C? A bowl of red bell peppers provides 190 mg of Vitamin A, which is essential for your eyesight; whereas, a bowl of green peppers can still provide you 120 mg of Vitamin C, which is twice the amount your body demands in a day.

3. Papaya
This orange and yellow themed fruit is an effective remedy for sinus and is invaluable for your bone health. Moreover, it is abundant in Vitamin C, providing 88.3 mg of it in a single cup serving.

4. Cauliflower
Cauliflower is now being added to many cuisines. In fact, it has also emerged in the form of the cauliflower-rice dish for a keto-friendly diet. But, did you know that this flower-like vegetable also provides you with 127.7 mg of vitamin A, 5 gms of protein, and an equal amount of fiber?

Not only these but broccoli, Brussel sprouts, pineapple, and kale are all rich sources of Vitamin A. So, if you had ever been disappointed by the unavailability of oranges due to seasonal bounds, tap into any of these sources for a punch of Vitamin C and A.