Mental strength includes being intensely mindful of your feelings and realizing how to communicate them in healthy ways- for example, crying while you are sad. The words you use have a significant effect on the minds of youngsters.
In case you are not cautious, you may end up sending a message that wakes up unhealthy habits that could deplete children of the psychological strength they need to reach their highest potential. Here are three things that you should quit saying to your children if you want them to be mentally strong.

“No Biggie”
Regardless of whether your kid says they are anxious about their piano presentation or discloses that they are concerned about their friend being mad at them, don’t limit their concerns by saying, “It’s no big deal.”
For them, the situation is quite big of a deal. What’s more, they are attempting to tell you that they need assistance in managing their feelings. So as opposed to insisting they shouldn’t be worried, provide them the support they need to adapt to their misery.
“Stop crying”
There is nothing amiss with crying. It is a robust method to express feelings. Furthermore, the fundamental reason due to which numbers of grown-ups likely apologizes when they shed a tear is because they were taught that crying is inappropriate.

If your younger is shouting and moving around in the center of the supermarket, you’ll have to address the improper conduct. Clarify that upsetting others in the store isn’t the right behavior. Simply ensure on correcting your child’s manner, not the feeling.
“You are the smartest”
Regardless of whether you tell your youngster, they are the best b-ball player on the planet, or you stress that they are the most intelligent child in the school, exaggerated praise does more damage than anything else.
Make your appreciation veritable. What’s more, focus more on the effort and less on the achievement. Emphasize that they studied hard or that they hustled hard, so they realize you esteem their effort and regard it. If you reserve praise for successful outcomes, they may develop to accept that they have to succeed at all costs, regardless of whether it implies cheating or harming individuals to get there.
It is never too late to start training your kids and teaching them the social and emotional abilities they need to succeed. Additionally, altering your parenting habits by using these three techniques could be instrumental in helping your kids reach their most enormous potential.