Ever since the government issued orders to practice social distancing and stay at home, non-essential workers have been functioning on a work-from-home set-up. Not having to commute to and from work means that people now have extra time in their hands before and after their work hours.
Though it might be tempting to get some extra sleep or an extra hour of binging on Netflix, you can use this time to work on your self-care. Make yourself feel more motivated, relaxed, and organized by trying these six suggestions.

Make Time for a Proper Meal
Based on a 2017 survey, nearly half of British people don’t have the time to eat a proper breakfast. Always being on a time constraint means that you’ll probably just resort to a bowl of cereal or some toast. But with the extra time, you can finally cook up a proper meal and sit down to enjoy it. Trying some slower recipes for dinner would also be a great idea.
Squeeze in Workouts
With the limited time that we can spend outdoors, fitness companies and trainers have been coming up with new ways to still engage with their audience. Various fitness studios have scheduled live Instagram workouts around working hours.
If you and your family like to get moving, try searching for Joe Wick’s PE with Joe on YouTube. If you’re more into meditative workouts, Yoga with Adriene has videos on yoga flows and stretches.
Get Organized
It’s important to keep your desk clean and organized when you’re working from home. Since we usually associate our homes with rest, we need to establish that boundary to keep us motivated. If you have a dedicated room for office space, make it more inviting by tidying up the shelves or placing an indoor plant on your desk. At the end of the workday, make sure to tidy up and put your stuff away to signal the end of your office hours.
Do Some Leisure Reading
A lot of people have forgotten to have time for reading as a leisure activity. Aside from being enjoyable, leisure reading also amps up emotional intelligence, which can help delay the onset of dementia and boost self-esteem and confidence.

Pamper Yourself
Taking care of yourself should be one of your top priorities. However, that’s not the case for most. But with more time during the day, you can finally enjoy a bit of pampering that you deserve.
This is another way to unwind, take your mind off the news, and work on your well-being. Try doing things that you usually don’t have the time for like putting on a face mask, painting your nails, or even re-watching your favorite TV series.
Get Creative
According to BBC research, picking up a craft or creative hobbies can help your mental health. Based on data from 50,000 people who took the BBC Arts Great British Creativity Test, it’s shown that creative hobbies distract you from external stress factors.
It also gives you the space to reassess your problems and build your confidence and self-esteem. Plus, unleashing your artistic side can be lots of fun.