When a not-so-woke man is asked what “family” means to him, the usual response that’s recorded is – a working father, a housewife, and a happy child. That’s pretty much it. But what about a family with a working mother and a stay-at-home father managing his kids? Well, that sounds like somewhat of a new setup, doesn’t it?

In times when newer theories on family are evolving, stay-at-home dads are quite in vogue. According to recent research, over 1.5 million dads in the US have happily switched to this new life. Their motto? Change is the new constant! Do they care about gender norms? Their reply – Excuse me?
As a hopeful stay-at-home dad, it’s really great that you choose to shatter glass ceilings. But it’s advisable that before you embark on this new life, you consider a few things.
#1 – The financial aspects
The first and foremost side that needs to be looked at is the financial aspect. Can you even afford to quit your job? If yes, will that be sufficient to lead the same lifestyle you’re leading now? Other than the remuneration, the benefits that you are receiving would cease. Will that be alright? If you take this role, how much would you be saving on nannies?
These are the possible questions, the answers to which you need to find out. If there’s a huge disparity between your salary and that of your significant other, it’s easy on your part to choose the higher one. But if it’s the reverse, consider the long-term prospects and the benefits that you’d be receiving.

#2 – The career aspect
Since time immemorial, the patriarchal society has been embedding this one fact in little boys’ minds – you have to be the breadwinner of your family once you grow up. Naturally, the idea of staying home all the time instead of toiling at the workforce comes as a kind of dismay to them.
However, it is to be believed that fathers who have molded their minds in a modern way are way ahead of these dismays. Still, we would urge you to give it a thought. Carefully consider if managing your kids and spending time with them will give you the best kind of joy; if it won’t frustrate you in the long run and make you think that maybe you made the wrong decision. Remember, some of life’s doors can be closed only once!
#3 – Who are you doing it for?
Now this is something that’s utterly essential to ask yourself. As we’ve mentioned earlier, because of the preconceived notion of “family”, men often fall back to the initial laid track.
And even if some of their hearts are half convinced by this, the other half finds it a “sacrifice” that they are doing for their partner who’s more successful than them. Because if that’s the case, we’d urge you to stop right away. Parenting as the stay-at-home dad should come naturally to you and not to be thrusted on you or thought to be a sacrifice.

To wrap it up
Even in the 21st century, there are a good number of stereotypes that are believed in. So, kudos to you for thinking something that’s absolutely normal, and disregarding the dogmatic definition of a perfect family!