Barrack Hussein Obama, the 44th President-elect of the United States, remained in office from 2009 to 2017. Just after the presidential elections 2020, he released an autobiographical account named “A Promised Land,” that revealed his rise to power despite being a man of color and the very complex decisions he had to make on behalf of the American people. This account will be followed by a second volume, to be released on an indefinite date. Obama dedicated this entire time to his beloved family.

In a heartfelt moment during an interview, Obama revealed that his family is his haven- the place he would always rather be at. Obama has two daughters from his marriage to Michelle Obama, which has lasted over 28 years. The eldest, Malia, is 22 years old, while Sasha is 19.
Obama revealed that at the birth of his first child, he committed to be always present for them and never leave them wanting for the attention and love of a father. He promised himself to always make his family his priority- a promise he has managed to keep, despite being responsible for representing a global power for 8 years.
This need for always being present came from Obama’s own unhappy childhood, where he grew without the supervision of his father, which he keenly felt at every stage of his life. This helped him shape the idea of a father he wanted to be for his kids, an exact antithesis of what his father was to him.

Barrack Obama stood steadfast in this mission of his, even during his tenure as President of one of the world’s most developed nations and even in such a demanding position of authority.
Obama made a routine of regular family time by coming together with his daughters and wife for dinner. The dinner was held at 6:30, where the entire family of four converged and shared bits and pieces from their day over a hearty meal. Obama termed this as the ‘best parts’ of his life as President.

He also dubbed seeing his daughters grow into powerful and compassionate women as the ‘greatest joys’ of his life. Thus, he dedicated the first volume of his political biography to his family, emphasizing their importance in his life.
The book also includes snaps of Obama and Michelle’s personal life as they bore the turbulence of the journey of life in the White House.