Do you know that feeling when you put your favorite food in the fridge thinking that you’ll eat it later, but no matter how busy you make yourself, you keep thinking of how delicious it would be, and as a result, you end up eating it just 10 minutes later? If you’re nodding to that, and if you find yourself munching the entire day, you should know that this is not okay.
Food is a necessity, there’s no denying that. But 24-hour hunger is undoubtedly unnatural; we’re not whales after all! Excessive hunger may actually classify as a medical condition called polyphagia, and it may cause obesity.
So if you’re suffering from any of the below-mentioned lifestyle issues, you need to bring in some serious changes before it’s too late.
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Lack of sleep
Inadequate sleep may affect the action and amount of hunger controlling hormones in your body. People who are sleep deprived have a significantly greater appetite and have a difficult time feeling full. When you’re tired, your appetite for foods rich in fat and calories greatly increases.
Stress and tension
If you’re anxious or tense, your body releases the hormone cortisol which increases your hunger. Many stressed-out people tend to prefer foods high in sugar, fat, or both. And studies show that such food helps stop the part of your brain that causes anxiety.
Foods that reduce hunger are often rich in protein, such as lean meat, fish or dairy products. In second place are foods rich in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans.
While several packaged meals lack these important nutrients, they’re rich in fats and carbohydrates. If you eat a lot of these foods, you may easily become hungry again immediately after and may end up eating more than you should.
Excessive diet soda intake
Many people who follow diets drink sugar-free soda to cut calories or lose weight. This is how it works – the fake sugar in such drinks deludes your brain into thinking that you’re consuming calories which can be used as fuel, but in reality, your body can’t use such fake calories.
Now when your brain expects calories but your body doesn’t get them, the “hunger switch” is turned on, forcing you to eat more and offer the calories from food.
Not drinking enough water
A study has proven that drinking two cups of water before meals leads to eating about 600 calories lesser. By that logic, you may feel hungry more often if you’re not drinking enough water.
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Wrapping It Up
Food is a blessing and has a great role not only in boosting our health but also in providing us with happiness. But overeating may expose us to health issues that can become quite challenging to overcome.