Imagine a world without animals, trees, beautiful flowers, and lush landscapes. How dull would that be!
Humankind has always been dependent on nature, but with technological and industrial advancements, we’ve somehow distanced ourselves from it. It’s quite evident how the “encroachment” of natural spaces in the name of development has led to a lower quality of life and a general feeling of distress. As such, it’s high time something was done to improve things.
Thankfully, researchers and scientists across the world have found the ideal solution in “rewilding” human habitats. Now we know there’s a barrage of questions in your mind, including what’s rewilding, how can it help us, and what’s the strategy to achieve it. And well, that’s what we’re here to answer, so let’s get started.
A close look at rewilding and its effect on humans
Rewilding involves returning the environment to its natural state in order to protect it. It’s a form of conservation and ecological restoration strategy which aims at increasing the biodiversity of a particular area. Scientists across the world have conducted several studies to reach the conclusion that nature is the “cure-all” for a lot of issues and diseases related to the human body.
Research shows that looking at nature for a few minutes can help boost the recovery of terminally ill patients. Walking and exercising in outdoor settings can also help in boosting self-esteem and lowering frustration and anxiety levels. Close proximity to trees and plants not just pumps up the oxygen levels around us but also helps remove pollutants and dust.
To further explore nature’s impact on humans, answer this question – doesn’t your brain feel relaxed when you’re in a natural environment? Well, the reason is that the bacteria present in soil and air affect your microbiota (bacteria that aid human immunity and hormones). Recent research has shown a close link between the soil and the human microbiome, and that’s probably what has prompted an increase in Soil-based Organism (SBO) supplements.
When a natural surrounding can have such a positive impact on us, shouldn’t we try and make our environment as green as possible?
How can we make our surroundings more “natural?”
Most people think they need a specific area dedicated to nature for rewilding. However, this isn’t true. Simple things like letting grass or wildflowers grow on road reserves, near fences, or verges can play a vital role in restoring wildlife.
Moreover, if you have enough space to plant a garden, why not do it?! Not only will it increase the natural setting around you but also attract numerous creatures, which in turn will boost the biodiversity around you.
Wrapping it up
Living in cities can restrict us, but it can never change our reliance on the natural world. Nature was and always will be a crucial part of the survival of human beings. So instead of rushing to artificial sources of happiness, we should simply try to find more ideas to allow wildlife to flourish in urban areas.